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About us- LG Maintenance

We have been here for over 25 years in the field of maintenance and repair of electrical and home appliances with a guarantee of providing good but good spare parts.

Attention to Detail

This is the secret of our distinction in LG Egypt maintenance, we realize that attention to small details makes a big difference. We are keen to review every step very carefully, starting from accurately understanding our customers’ needs, all the way to implementing maintenance work with the highest levels of professionalism. Because we believe that details are not just additions, but rather the cornerstone of providing a reliable and distinguished service.

Service Rating

We always make sure to follow up with you and get your first-hand feedback about the level of our service and maintenance, the extent of your satisfaction with it, and how we can improve that service.

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We send our maintenance team to inspect the problem, then follow up on it and send a report to the customer with details about the problem and know the number of days needed to fix the problem and then solve the fault with ease and simplicity.

Learn about the services we provide here at LG Maintenance Providing spare parts We work hard to provide spare parts for any product or any modern home appliance so that it can be maintained with ease

We have a very skilled team in maintaining all electrical and household appliances and products, such as “stoves washing machinesheaters refrigerators microwaves.” We are able to solve all problems with all of these products and repair them.

LG Egypt Maintenance

Maintenance: Always keen to provide the best maintenance service with high quality is very important to us so that we can complete our work in the best possible way and with all ease and simplicity.

We guarantee you maintenance at the highest level of expertise, efficiency, good support and immediate and continuous warranty.

About Us
Request maintenance service now

We are keen to provide an unparalleled service with high quality and excellent efficiency because you are very important to us, so we try with all our effort and capacity to provide what satisfies, pleases and comforts you.

Requesting the service has now become the easiest thing for us, so all you have to do is contact us on the hotline or WhatsApp and enjoy all the new advantages that are absolutely endless

Our mission

We are here to solve all the faults easily, smoothly and safely in an economical way and as quickly as possible so that we do not delay you in anything and then find a partial solution to solve the problem you face in your products and home appliances because they are very important in your home and because we realize the importance of this situation, we have a strong maintenance team with the highest level of experience and is able to repair the faults and treat the device or product well as it was before

We fully realize the importance of operating these devices quickly, such as the refrigerator, which is responsible for preserving food, drinks, and the washing machine, which is responsible for washing your clothes and keeping them clean. Therefore, if any of these devices breaks down, do not hesitate to contact us so that you do not get upset or despair, as we are here especially for you.

Exceptional experiences

Our experiences with our clients are what speak for us and give us a good impression of our level of service, so we have unique experiences that we have had with our clients and we are proud to do so.

Our core values

Our core values ​​are in maintaining our customers, the quality of our service and your trust in us

We at LG Egypt Maintenance believe that the real value lies in maintaining a long-term relationship with our customers through

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